Wednesday, May 6, 2009

You Can't Get What You Want

Grambi sent a box this week that included, most importantly, a new toy for McKenna. McKenna is known for destroying dog toys, especially plush toys and anything that squeaks. Father of Ken once bought her an "indestructible" toy that she tore up within one minute. Kenna was, of course, thrilled to find a new toy in the box--this one is called "Tuffy: The World's Most Durable Soft Dog Toy." This thing is serious. It has seven rows of stitching on the edges, four layers of fabric (some of it developed by NASA, I believe), protective webbing like the kind they use for the edges of luggage, and "squeaker safety pockets."

She grabbed it as soon as I cut the tags off and ran off to play:

When I tried to get it back to throw it for her, she picked it up and ran out to the porch with it. She and the toy ended up in a patch of sun, where they spent the morning together.

Later, I made her bring it inside for the night, so she put it next to her bed where it will be as close to her as possible. So far, it is still intact and I think she's getting annoyed because she hasn't been able to isolate and remove the squeak.

A very high quality video of her playing with the toy earlier today:

1 comment:

Leah said...

I am astonished that toy is still in one piece. I've seen the short work she makes of toys, and it is remarkable. The people who designed that toy should be very proud.